Maps & Trails
For ideas on things to do, or where to visit and stay in Herefordshire, take a look at the inspiration we have put together.
When you visit Herefordshire, if you are looking for something specific to enjoy such as Art, Drink trails, Herefordshire History, Culture, Herefordshire Gardens and more, download our printable guides below complete with maps and enjoy this beautiful county.

Active & Creative Breaks
There is every activity to try in Herefordshire including pottery making, creative writing, walking and felting to name but a few.

History & Heritage
The legendary landmarks of kings, saints and poets dot trails of towns and villages packed with myths, folklore and facts to enthral you time and time again.

Art Trails
Inspired by the beauty of the landscape and Wildlife, Herefordshire’s artists bring you unique and bespoke pieces and venues.

Castles & Country Houses
From National Trust to privately owned properties, Herefordshire is ideal to visit and
enjoy splendid castles and country houses.

Sip Drink Tour Herefordshire
Discover the Herefordshire producers who turn hops into beer, grapes into wine, blackcurrants into cassis, even potatoes into gin and vodka, and of course, most famously, apples into cider.

Secret hideaways, water gardens, exquisite features, woodlands and labours of true love will delight and impress visitors.

Rain or Shine Destinations
We have put together a selection of ideas with some visits inside for rainy days and some outside for nice days. Mix and match to find your perfect combo.

2 in 1 Day Trips
More great ideas for days out with specific More ideas to visit two locations in one day and put some great variety into your trip.

Black & White Village Trail
North Herefordshire’s unique 40-mile round trail of beautiful black and white villages oozes charm and history.